pam tibbs


Restaurant burn out is something talked about a lot these days.  Are you feeling it, too?   As a former restaurant employee and manager, I get it! I experienced the stress of long hours, demands to put on a perfect evening or event, always conscious of budget. Timing, staff shortage, guest complaints.       

The list goes on.

Piled on top of that was all the alcohol use to try and relieve the stress and connect with my co-workers! Sound familiar?


I also know it’s possible to live a happier, more fulfilled, and meaningful life, in and out of the industry.

Do you want to get along better with your co-workers, boss, or staff? 

                     I CAN HELP YOU

Do you want to manage your anger when a customer asks for something outrageous? 

                     I CAN HELP YOU

Do you want to cut back or quit drinking?

                     I CAN HELP YOU


For most of my teenage into adult life, I worked, at some capacity, in food service (as most of us do!). I began to really connect with people in the restaurant industry as we would go through our daily shifts together and feel as if we were in the “trenches”! There was lots of fun and lots of bonding.

But I still wanted to help people on a deeper level. I had been trained in Counseling Psychology and was ready to put those skills into practice. These two paths (restaurant work and counseling) were starting to lead into one, as I saw it, and I began to use much of my counseling and listening skills with my coworkers and bosses. Really, anyone who wanted to talk, I would listen and support.


I decided to push forward with the restaurant career path. I felt this tug of family and life and experience there that I had never really felt before and just couldn’t ignore or let go of. I worked my way to my dream job as General Manager of a café in a modern art museum where several of my friends worked. It was a blast! We put on fabulous events, had the most amazing food, and the camaraderie was just what I needed and wanted.

When that experience ended, I took a restaurant break, as many of us do in this tough industry. But I found myself back in it almost as fast as I got out of it, or so it seemed at the time! This was a searching period for me, testing the waters with catering companies, nightclubs, even the possibility of owning my own restaurant. I struggled and found myself a bit stuck in a rut. So, when a position as a restaurant manager at a prestigious restaurant presented itself, I bit. I went full in, excited, ready to recommit to an industry and career I had tried to leave several times.

While I did thrive in this position and felt that I continued to have an impact on my employees, coworkers and bosses, there was something unfulfilled inside me. Not to mention my damn knees were giving out! As I managed to continue on, I was again presented with an opportunity to come back to a general manager position and I thought, oh surely this is what is missing. I will be the boss in charge and it will be great. I took the leap but not really that surprising, I fell short in my fulfillment journey.

 And as I searched the job market and my soul, I discovered that maybe I could get back to my counseling roots through a coaching path. I, of course, got coached myself on this, and after not too much time, I went all in. I say not too much time because my heart knew this was what it wanted. My brain was a little skeptical (still is sometimes) but my heart won out.

Trust me, I’m still super curious about EVERYTHING, but now, after all I’ve seen and been through, I know there are people out there, maybe even you, who are hurting and struggling, and if there had been someone like me as a coach back then, maybe I wouldn’t have struggled as much as I did.

My Mission: Help YOU discover the life you crave!

And now we come to today.

If you are struggling in the restaurant industry or just life in general,


If you are ready to change your relationship with alcohol,


If you need help running your restaurant,


I am ready to dive in and help take you and/or your company to the next level of success and peace and find the life you crave!